Sunday, November 25, 2007


This Thanksgiving was a truly Thankful & Blessed Holiday!!!
I opened my home to 2 Airmen with Operation Homecooking as I have done for the past 6 years. It is always a very special and rewarding experience. This year though the entire holiday felt especially SPECIAL.
Each of these young men had a unique yet similar story and it was very interesting to hear about each. One from Texas and one from New York. Special guys.
Then my was great to have my sister in from Tyler. Plus, my oldest nephew was able to join us! That was great! We ALL were together! I am very Thankful for it.
Lastly, but not least my new honey. My sweetie. This was our first Thanksgiving together and hopefully many more to come. It was by far one of the most special holidays for me this year and he felt the same way. It was very touching...made me feel fortunate and thankful for all I have and all the blessings that have come my way this past year.
I hope that each of you had a Truly Blessed Thanksgiving holiday!

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