Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Unknowing Inspiration!!!

For the past 2 days I've been in a FUNK!!!

I've tried to get out of it. Today was better than yesterday, but then it started to really change around.
I was making progress with things at work - always good. Then I went to weigh in and I lost 2.5 lbs!! So I am back to where I need to be & want to be. That was a NICE little bonus!!

Then I was helping an employee at work. We don't normally interact but her Supervisor was out & she needed help. We got to talking & she told me she lost 30 lbs!! ~~ WOW! Good for her!! is the first thing I told her. She asked me how I planned to maintain during the holidays. (in case you didnt know I lost 35 lbs & have been maintaining for quite a few months!!)

She was nervous about getting through it. We started to share how to approach it & then she said something to me that really surprised me....

"You're My Inspiration!"

I said "Thank You! Really?! I am?! She said yes. See you don't know how many people you inspire. I see you walk by & I think okay, I CAN do it!!"

That was the nicest think I have heard in awhile. Especially today, when I needed it the most. And it was from someone whom with I have limited, and sad to say, if any interaction with. Yet, it made a difference to both of us. A connection -- as humans we had a moment that touched us -- the human touch.

She helped me & inspired me -- inspired me to change my day around.

How inspiring!! This will be a GOOD day!!

Unknowing Inspiration.
It is around us all the time. We just have to be open to seeing & receiving it.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!! Count your Blessing!! For we are all truly blessed!!
Be Inspired!!

1 comment:

cinnibonbon said...

Hey, good for YOU and HER!!!!
It's so exciting. I'm sorry you were having such a crappy day. I'm sure it will get better. I know what you mean, those days just seem to creep up on us. Take it easy girl! Happy Thanksgiving.