Sunday, November 11, 2007

Make a Wish...No Make 2...3...4!!!

That was me on the last night of our Getaway. I was on the roof deck...just enjoying the stars when a shooting star whizzed by! I was astonished, since
it had been so long since I last saw one.
Then I told my girlfriend. Not much longer and than another went by!!
WOW!! This was AMAZING! To see 2 Shooting Stars in ONE night!! (this
time I did make a wish!)
Shortly, after still gazing at the stars in amazement, I was fortunate to see
yet a 3rd ....and then finally a 4th!!!
I have always loved a full moon...just to sit outside and gaze at it. Plus, I
enjoy looking at the stars & on that particularly LUCKY night....I was
blessed to see 4 shooting stars!
May all your wishes come true!

(PS...Thx L for the suggestion!)

1 comment:

cinnibonbon said...

I'm so glad you started blogging again. Maybe you can start visiting mine too, go check it out, there's a few pics of us.
Have fun!!!