Saturday, February 2, 2008

2nd Idea to Organization

Speed clean 1 drawer - have one box for trash & one to donate

When I saw this idea immediately you think of the all dreaded "JUNK DRAWER"!!
Then I thought which drawer should I clean out that may actually do me some good for organization? Ahhhh....the bra & panty drawer!!!

Well, I cleaned it out & organized it. Unfortunately, I did not get rid of any bras. Do not have many to begin with! But my trash box did have some panties!! Don't really think that panties are an item that you should donate!?!? Ewwww....

:) Hope you all had a GREAT day & Happy Organizing!!

1 comment:

Vera said...

LOL...agreed...panties should not be shared! :-) One of my friends in college used to talk about her relationship with her sisters, "We share everything...except for boyfriends and underwear!"